Approved Guideline This guideline provides instructions and recommendations concerning the administration of point-of-care (POC) blood glucose monitoring programs at acute and chronic care facilities where laboratory support is available. POC blood glucose meter systems provide rapid results required by medical staff members to make therapeutic decisions.

This document applies to quantitative in vitro POC blood glucose meter systems intended for use by health care professionals for management of patients with diabetes mellitus and other conditions with fluctuations in glucose homeostasis. These test systems may be indicated for use with arterial, venous, or capillary whole blood samples obtained from adults, children, or neonates. This guideline does not pertain to glucose measurement for the purpose of self-monitoring of blood glucose, screening for diabetes, or diagnosing diabetes mellitus or other disorders of glucose metabolism.

Introduction POC blood glucose testing, as performed by trained personnel in acute and chronic care facilities, provides rapid blood glucose results that are used by medical staff members to make therapeutic decisions. In providing this service, the institution assumes a commitment to maintain high-quality POC blood glucose meter systems and effective processes and procedures for communicating the results to appropriate patient care providers.

Optimal use of a POC blood glucose meter system often requires the coordination and cooperation of multiple departments, training of operators with limited or no laboratory experience, and use of specimens and technologies that differ from those used by laboratories. Owing to the unique characteristics of this activity, an update on specific guidelines and policies for POC blood glucose meter systems is pertinent to ensure quality testing and accurate result reporting.

CPD Updates Workshop 2018

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